Wow, this year is flying by...

Dec 13, 2007 19:02

Can't believe that it's nearly Christmas. Its hard to be in the Christmas spirit when it's been nearly 80 degrees for the last few days. We have weird weather in SC. My mom keeps saying she wants a white Christmas, and I keep telling her that she needs to move to another state if she wants that. I've managed to get absolutely nothing done. At least I don't have to do any decorating this Christmas- last one ever, though. Only 7 months til the little one is here, and he/she is already keeping me awake at night. Insomnia is *not* a cool side effect of pregnancy. Still no morning sickness so far, so at least that part's good, but I might trade it for a solid 8 hours of sleep.

Hubby and I went to the doctor last week for the first prenatal visit. We waited in (I'm not making this up) the "waiting womb." Who thought that was funny? Cheesy, yes, but not cute at all. Of course the waiting room was filled with parenting magazines and the usual "what to expect when you're expecting" stuff. Poor hubby was looking for anything to read, and he found a Popular Science magazine that was like 10 years old. He claimed it was talking about the miracle of men on the moon, but I think he might have been exaggerating just a bit. When we finally got called back, we did get to see the baby's hearbeat on the ultrasound, which was pretty cool. Our little one was about the size of a grain of rice (and is now, apparently, the size of a kidney bean), but you could see the blip of the heartbeat (too early to hear- maybe next time, I go back January 2nd).

I swear I'm going to do Christmas cards this weekend. I was so proud of myself for the last couple of years getting them out the first week of December. Not even close this year, though :) My law firm's yearly Christmas (er, holiday) party is tomorrow night- the food is always good, but of course this year I can't partake in the open bar.

Meanwhile, I'm attempting to get into the Christmas spirit by listening to Twisted Sister's Christmas album. Gives a new meaning to "rocking Christmas" :) 

life, christmas, pregnancy

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