I've just been taking some tests and I wanted to post them....

Jul 13, 2004 16:58

You're super similar to Benji Madden! Your both
really cute and adorable! Congratulations!

Which Madden Twin is right for you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wow, you're Frankenstein! Pretty cool, huh. Now
don't kill anymore little girls today!(though
we know, frankestein's girls will seem
strangely sexy, right?)

What Classic Horror Character Are you most like?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are the pierced princess

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

A GAME-BOY. Youre like a tomboy without the love of
sports. Reality sucks, but as long as you have
your electronics you feel you can cope. Time
goes unnoticed when youre locked in your room
hooked up to your Nintendo, rocking to your
favourite collection of guitar-driven

Your virtues: Intelligence, sense-of-humour,

Your flaws: Inability to cope with real life,
action-freak spirit, reclusive nature.

Your Personality type is the only type that would
like this cool online gothic Game:


What kind of girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your soul is OPEN-MINDED. Although you do have
strong opinions and make decisions, you never
make them without thinking first of not only
everything that is, but those that may not be
as well. People trust that you'll willingly
hear them out and understand when they tell you
something, and you are well-liked for it. You
are often the mediator in disputes and your
desire to do what is right overcomes all else.
You are an understanding and admirable soul.

What Is Your Soul's Trait?
brought to you by Quizilla
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