mild introspection, obsessiveness, Pern Fandom blathering, homicidal maniacal laughter

Jan 19, 2003 21:50

You know, the more I think about the way I am the more I think that it's probably dangerous for other people to associate with me, because, as Ponder Stibbons discovers in Lords and Ladies, when you are a cork in someone else's stream of consciousness all you can do is spin and bob in the eddies.

Because I can't think of very many interests that I have that I am *not* obsessed with. I mean, I have a mild interest in Highlander and a mild interest in Buffy but I'm not done being indoctrinated in those. ;-) And I think that Methos will make things more interesting in Highlander, when he happens. I'm not saying that Highlander is boring, just that ... you know ... Methos will make it more interesting, that's all. And as for Buffy, I need to watch more of it. I don't think I'll ever reach the obsessive state about Buffy that others are (like Feldy, for example) or the way I am about, say, Discworld, or Red Dwarf ... but there's Enterprise now, and for a show that I'm aware isn't actually all that good I'm remarkably fixated on it (Malcolm, Malcolm, Malcolm!) and there's also Boy Meets Boy, and Penny Arcade, and all the other sorts of things that I read and do and think about ... LOTR ... I mean, egads, what'm I *not* obsessed with that I enjoy?

Laura's talking about Imadrith's mating flight again. This is amusing. This has got to be the most-discussed pre-planned mating flight in the history of Pern Fandom. To be fair, I was terribly excited for the first mating flight of my first hatched green - who was it, Rozzenth? - and green flights still are amusing for relationship havoc, but I don't know. But then, taking a look at the paragraph I wrote before this, I'm *also* hardly the person to point fingers about obsessiveness ...

Pern Fandom, Pern Fandom, Pern Fandom. You know what, I don't even like Pern? Skies of Pern, which I didn't finish, was like stabbing my eyes out with a fluorescent pen ... I mean, I'm still a fan of Piemur, of Sebell, of F'nor, of Robinton, but I have no idea if I would continue to be so if I were to give the books another read-through. And like ... so. Many. Characters. I have so many characters. Why, why, why? And so many of them -- I mean, I checked my listing at Pernese Online last night when I was trying to work out meeting foci, and I was struck by how many characters I have that I don't remember anything about or remember very little about ... I had to look K'yau up to remember her physical description: 5'2", athletic, black hair, gold-flecked green eyes. I still don't remember her dragon's name. *sigh* Or C'lin's, for that matter, and that depresses me, although I do remember that C'lin's is based off of Macha. I remember colors, but not names.

That's why we need that plague. The purge! The purge must occur! I must kill! Kill! KILL! I must destroy all of my unneeded and unnecessary characters! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

pern, general geekery, spastic fannishness

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