
Jul 21, 2004 14:40

Leave a comment with a drabble request, pairing or character-based. Give me one line of dialogue to be written in a 100-500 word drabble/ficlet. After you comment, put this meme in your own journal ( Read more... )


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Archer/Shran & Reed/Hayes - um, probably R-rated, in 225 words bethos July 21 2004, 19:41:35 UTC
“No, I don’t want anyone to be able to find us. It could be difficult to explain,” Jonathan said shortly. “I think I know a place. No one goes there but Ensign Mayweather, and he’s with the rest of the away team.”

The captain’s lover spread his arms wide. “I am at your disposal,” he murmured.

Jonathan grinned roguishly. “I’m going to hold you to that …”

Through corridors, down the lift ... he could barely maintain the façade of polite and completely un-sexual interest to the small talk that Shran nattered cheerfully at him in the lift they were trapped in with two crewwomen.

“Here,” Jonathan said, gesturing to the door. “After you.”

Shran inclined his head, with the barest hint of irony, and said, “Thank you.” He stepped through the doors.

His antennae snapped straight up in surprise. He turned to face Jonathan with a somewhat quizzical look on his face. “Interesting. Did you want us to join them?”

Jonathan stared. “Uh,” he said when he found his voice. “No.”

Lieutenant Malcolm Reed, naked except for his boots, was enthusiastically fucking a similarly attired Major Hayes.

Jonathan grabbed the fascinated Andorian by the hand and pulled him into the hallway.

“Well, that was unexpected,” Jonathan said.

“You have a talent for understatement,” Shran replied, in tones of mild amusement. “Shall we adjourn to *my* ship?”


Re: Archer/Shran & Reed/Hayes - um, probably R-rated, in 225 words xandri July 21 2004, 22:40:43 UTC
HAHAHAHAHA OH MAN *weeps with laughter* You are so awesomely great.


Re: Archer/Shran & Reed/Hayes - um, probably R-rated, in 225 words bethos July 21 2004, 22:52:12 UTC
Hehehehe, thanks! XD


Re: Archer/Shran & Reed/Hayes - um, probably R-rated, in 225 words byob_kenobi July 22 2004, 16:22:38 UTC
Bwwaaaaahhhh! That was hysterical! Yay, thank you!


Re: Archer/Shran & Reed/Hayes - um, probably R-rated, in 225 words bethos July 22 2004, 20:58:27 UTC
Hoorah! I'm glad you liked it. XD


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