Title: Professor Quark and the Quick Study
Author: Bethos (Bethdrgyn@aol.com)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Quark/Odo
Summary: Quark does his bit to help Odo win Kira. Set during "Crossfire".
Warnings: Um ... kinda PWP-y.
A/N: This is for
sabine101, for the DS9 ficathon at
ds9agogo - linkie
here. I don't know if it's *exactly* what she was looking for, in that the plot
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Comments 17
That was knock-down drag out hysterical. Quark and Odo both somewhere between exasperated and aroused and...bored, and Quark oo-moxing himself, and -- *dies.*
Thank you so much for this!
Although I don't think they're going to make me write the follow-up, despite the fact that I think Odo wants it because it'd mean he'd *won*. Because yeah.
But Quark is happy with the mounds and mounds of Quark/Dax I've bribed him with in exchange for this.
I love the attention given here to the details of shapeshifting, which definitely helps to ground the story; your suggestions about Quark's background--which are both funny and believable; but above all the character voices really make this work for me. You just nailed them. Kudos! I really hope you will post this piece to ASCEM or one of the other main Trek story forums.
As for posting it to a forum ... I have like an inexplicable fear of forums, hence my never posting anything there, but maybe I will attempt to overcome it for this.
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