(no subject)

Jun 14, 2011 12:33


I have been working at the law firm since June 1st. Half a month; I've already lost track of all the different things I've done since starting, which range from a felony assault through all manner of misdemeanors through an appeal on a breach of contract matter on through the civil courts, a messy custody battle, and a bunch of frankly weird shit that I can't describe in much more detail than that because the situations are individually so bizarre as to breach confidentiality by their hypotheticals. I like the people I work with; they have introduced me to a really delicious Chinese restaurant within a half hour's drive from here, and we plan to meet Monday nights for an office tabletop game ... although this week that didn't work out because the GM was flattened by illness. He still isn't doing that great, and that has led to the shuffling of a startling amount of criminal work over to me, but I think I am already getting more accustomed to it.

Basically, the job is really busy. Which is good. Because the more hours I manage to bill, the more money I get that I can try and pay my mounting bills with. Living on my own is surprisingly expensive. I think I should be okay to pay my bills. I am a little concerned about my student loan payments; I worked out my budget assuming the consolidated student loan rate, but I went through the application process on consolidating my loans at the end of May and I still haven't heard back from the Department of Education. I'm still in deferment as of June, so it shouldn't be a problem this month, but if my bills next month are for student loan payments to both of my separate lenders on all of my individual loans pre-consolidated ... well, the 48 packs of ramen I have in my closet are going to prove pretty valuable to my life.

I also need to figure out a cat sitter for my trip to Oregon. I am afraid to use craigslist. My stepmom suggests I call a local vet and see if they have anyone they recommend. I think I might want to check at the office first to see if there is anyone who isn't deathly allergic to cats. Although if Chiana continues to refuse to eat more than a mouthful of food a day, I guess managing four days without me isn't going to be a problem for her little sulky fat butt.

I still have this niggling urge to write Dragon Age 2 fanfiction. If I succumb, I am sure you will hear more about it.

Soon, I need to clean my wooden floor. But right now, I am going to eat some of my ramen and then go back to work. I have a jail visit this afternoon and also I need to draft a probate petition, which I have never done before.
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