It has been a month or so since the school started again, but for University students of Zagreb that attend The Philosophical Faculty today was the first day. Here start the stress, the tests, mid terms and homeworks, literature and all that jazz. For me, today was a good day and if I play my tune right, it will continue to be a good day the whole term.
Since I'm on my third year, I don't need to attend the PE classes anymore so I do my work-outs at home now. On Tuesdays and Fridays I have only one lecture (and that one on Friday I don't need to attend every time - yay). It's a bit crowded on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, but I'll manage. I have all the reasonable professors this term so there should be less problems.
In other news, I got back yesterday from the beautiful islands called the Brijuni. My dad takes four days of a vacation and that is the only place he can spend it relaxed. It was great as usual (especially the food):
As you can see by this lovely very yummy red tomato soup.
Seriously, though, the best Hot Chocolate I had was there, and I would like to show the lovely picture of that heavenly goodness, but the post for pictures isn't responding. I'll try tomorrow.
Anyway, I climbed a tree and spent one afternoon goofing around with my sister on a remote beach. We sang, danced and shouted quotes from Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, such as:
Click to view
Oh, and I tried a cocktail called New York.
It sounds good.
Looks good.
Smells good.
Tastes ghastly.
Yep, looks like I won't be having alcohol problems anytime soon.
And I went to the Czech Film festival yesterday. It was funny because we had numbered seats and yet we couldn’t sit there because someone was sitting on them. The reason they were sitting in our seats was because someone was on their seats and so on and so on. In the end we ended waaaaay on the front and one of my friends was unhappy because of it. She was happy in the end for the movie was so good you forgot where you were seated while watching it. I wanted to post the trailer, but there isn't one with eng subs, so there goes that.
Anyway, that’s it from me today.