It had been a week since the exams ended, yet I'm writing just now. The reason because of this is that the week has been a busy one. The building's roof is in a bad shape, so now that the weather is sunny, the workers are above our heads fixing things. Everyone in the building has to contribute, and they've all been great. Unfortunately, we're the ones in the attic so the windows that are being taken out are ours, the dust is falling, for the most part, on to our stuff and we're the ones cut off from the telly, because it's located in that part of the apartment where most of the work is being done.
Mum, though, was resourceful and came up with an idea of putting sheets over the holes where the windows used to be, so that we have less to clean. The key is to use the regular sheets, you know, the ones that don't have rubber ends and are easy to fold. The down side is that, by the time we reached my room, we've used all the good sheets. Fortunately, mum managed to find a tablecloth big enough to cover my window hole. It's red so when the sun hits it my room looks like a demon's dwelling.
♪ ♫ ♪
and when the door is closed . . .
Moving on; I've learned something new about my dog. Instead of describing it let me say it in a different manner:
~We interrupt this program to bring you
Courage the Cowardly Dog Show
Courage the Cowardly Dog!
Yes, she's adorable, nice and loyal, but, I'm afraid that she will never be the big watch dog. Mind you, I could be wrong! This black and white ball of fur can still turn out to be a Hell Hound. Just the other night, she started to growl and bark at something that might have been on the window . . . I'll be update if a change occurs. XD
Lastly, for Goga, sorry it took long to update this; but check out Maja's performance in Kubus' show Moliere. (the first video is really bad and you can't see her face, but I left it because the words are so funny. the other video is great.)
Click to view
Click to view
Enjoy ♥ ♥ ♥