Before I continue, I would like to say two things:
My audiance has fallen really low; only one person reads this . . .
Thank you, Burzuk, for reading.
Joking aside, let us continue.
Z fift plejs.
~Drum roll.~
Sherlock Holmes.
Kidding . . . XD
Benedict Cumberbatch, ladies! (or, rather, the only lady that's reading)
The famous consultant director, the Khan from ST, the man who can mimic the voice of Alan Rickman quite extrodinery . . .
You know the drill, about Benedict:
Born July 17th 1976, yadda yadda - lots of info that you can find on wikipedia . . . . nicly written . . .
. . . boring, too . . . a bit . . .
Something interesting . . .
When Benedict was 13 he had his first acting debut, playing in Shakespeare's Midsummer's Night Dream for a school's play.
He played Titania.
Queen of Faries.
. . .
Give me a moment . . .
Funny, but still amazing! I really admire him now!
Well, that's all, but, before I leave, I give you this:
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