It is hard to sum up a person with something as limited as words. If only I could give you a feeling, hand it to you across the table and say, "This. This is what she was like," and you would nod your head and understand.
On Thursday, a woman died.
A long goodbye. )
Laura moved away when I was around 9 or 10 to PA. I never saw her again as she died from cancer two years later. I never got to say goodbye, I've never been to her gravesite, I am in fact crying as I write this because I love and miss her so much. Every so often I wear a bandana around my neck just as Laura did in remembrance of her, in her honor. It was one of the things I did as a child to try to emulate her.
I wonder some days if Zeb was Laura's answer to my question of "I wonder if she'd be proud of me now." -- I think it is.
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