those sweat stained dreams, all tattered and torn

Apr 06, 2016 10:42

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I have been free of dreams about my grandmothers since a whistle-stop visit to Cornwall this time last week, but had a nightmare after watching an episode of Castle about a serial killer with a knife last night. Had to give myself a pep talk at 2am to say it's not true and it hasnt come from me, it's external. It didn't help that I watched some of "The Man Who Fell To Earth" again, which was on the Horror Channel recently, unnerving, but Bowie is so beautiful, it hurts.

Nathan Filion appeared in a dream recently too, and Carl McCoy, but I think I conjured the latter from reading a lot of Kim Newman who makes magic(k) seem possible.

I felt a bit cut adrift, but I realised that it was mainly because I hadn't listened to enough music and everything becomes pointless and grey without that, headphones firmly on today. Be well.
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