Testing, Testing...anybody there?

Jan 27, 2015 19:24

Well, my God....it has been quite a long time since I've updated this thing.  I wonder if anyone still checks it?

There have been some changes since I last wrote.
Here's a brief rundown:

-I went through a hell of a battle with depression and panic attacks exactly one year ago.  Lots of doctor appointments and counseling sessions really helped change my outlook on life and I can happily say that I am happier than I've been in a long time.

-I am no longer at my old job.  I was laid off last May after 15+ years.  I knew it was coming and I believe that was a big reason for my mental health issues.  That, and the fact that my commute was over 1 hour each way.  It got to me.  Fast.  So, they let me go and I was unemployed.  I went on a total of 4 interviews and was hired with my current company in August and started  there in September.  I LOVE my new job.  I truly believe that I found what I was meant to do.  I feel incredibly lucky and thankful that things happened the way they did.  I cannot say enough good things about my situation now work-wise.

-After dealing with migraines since I was 7, I believe I may have turned a corner with them.  Back in October I started getting chronic migraines.  I had them every day for over a month.  I went to the doctor, the neurologist and the hospital...wracked up so many medical bills and tried so many medicines and basically fell off the face of the earth.  What saved me was acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments and deep tissue massages.  I have been going religiously since November.  1, 2, sometimes 3 times a week.  I'd never had these things done before and after the very first treatment I felt a bit of relief.  With the help of my acupuncture/chiro, I am only on one medicine.  I used to take at least five.  The difference I feel is amazing.  I am so thankful to be off all of those meds.  Instead of meds I now take vitamins and I feel great!!!

-Jon and I have been trying to have a baby for over a year now on and off.  Long story short, we ended up getting recommended to a fertility doctor and found out through testing that there are some infertility issues.  It's been a stressful and overwhelming process but I am hopeful that we are on our way to starting a family.  We had our first IUI this past weekend and should find out on the 5th or so if it was a success.  Our treatment plan is to do 2 IUI's and then move to IVF if needed.  I am crossing my fingers that the IUI works!

-I am no longer doing photography.  I have only picked up my camera once since January 2014.  It's crazy and confusing and frustating...but also freeing.  It's nice to just "live".  Don't get me wrong, I still live life with the eyes of a photographer.  I constantly see photographs that could be taken.   I have a feeling that once I do get pregnant and have a baby that things will change again and I will have the most photographed child in all the land.

That's all for now!  I hope to try and write more consistent entries but we all know how that goes.