May 30, 2010 22:30
- Photo: hot pink girly-girl dreams (via Design*Sponge) As much as I believe in gender neutral decorating for… #
- Buying a grill was the best thing we could have done this weekend. Potatoes + pork tenderloin + pinapple + grill = soooooooo delicious. #
- Video: Vampire Weekend - “Cousins” (Official Music Video) (via XLRecordings) It is hot. Very. It’s pretty… #
- Photo: Supernatural guys sketch I drew this a few weeks back while watching Supernatural, and forgot to… #
- There's this couple with matching white Ts and jeans (she: Tory burch flats, he: retro sneaks). They remind me of that HGTV couple. Vomit. #
- They are everything that is wrong with city. #
- On the upside, we are on our way to check out some things that are very, vey right with this city: indie gaming w/ the Hand Eye Society. #
- Ugghhhhhhhhhhh… Spoke too soon. White stretch SUV. #
- I haaaate that IKEA only carries it's outdoor line for the 1 scant month before you'd actually use outdoor furniture. Ugh. But I got plates! #
- I actually think skinny jeans look great on curvy girls. It's this whole new pleats and volume thing that's challenging to anyone not tiny. #
- I own far too much adorable, colour-coordinated dishware: (or just enough…) #
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