Apr 18, 2010 22:30
- Our threadless tshirts got here today! I'm wearing Jess Hutch's Perfect Chair Fort as we speak. #
- "An Education" just made up for the rut of not-very-good movies we've been having. Plus I finally understand the buzz for a Ms. Carey M. #
- But mostly, I'm even more enamoured with Olivia Williams, the worlds hottest British school marm. I'd take a seat in her classroom. #
- Dear Roger Ebert: You are wrong. You are wrong. You are wrong. You are wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. Wrong. Wrong! Ugghhhhhhh old people suck. #
- Fun weekend: Celebrated an engagement with Ethiopian food, record store day, then Hakka (Chinese/Indian food) and kulfi with the sis today. #
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