Jun 07, 2005 14:42
yea so today at work i had to dig a trech in the 90 degree weather. yea it was REALLY hot out! but I got out early which is good. I'm so tired! I need to go shoppin for the convention. I only have one outfit. oh no and i have NO money. yea good combination. I got a big slit on my finger from work yesterday and now there is all dirt in it from today blah. I cant wait til i own my own company so i can hire high school kids to do all the crao work and pay them crap too. oh well im eatin pizza yummy. I took the SATs saturday yea i think i failed. the math was wicked easy but the english was hard oh well guess ill have to wait n see how i did. assembly this weekend n then MY party at SHANNONS housee hahah kinda lol thats wat all the volpes told me hehe ok ttyl\
BTW christin Charla and I are goin campin (in my back yard) haha yea we have a few things planned for when we do that too haha so funny. so any girls that want to be part of this crazy night..then come cuz its gonna be amazing! hehe