Jan 21, 2007 22:06
Do any of you experienced Mamas have advice on sleep? I know Patrick is only 10 weeks old, but I go back to work really soon. I need him to sleep better. Our biggest problem currently is just getting him to go down...I can nurse him to sleep, but as soon as I move him he's wide eyed. (Even if I let him sleep on me for 45 mintues!)
We've been cosleeping a lot lately - just because it seems like the only way to get any sleep. I have nothing against cosleeping, but I don't get any really good sleep when he's in bed with me. Mostly because cosleeping = Patrick sleeping right next to me, in the crook of my arm. Simply being in the bed isn't good enough, we have to be all snuggled up.
Also, at what age did your kids not NEED to eat in the middle of the night. P usually eats around 2-3 and then again around 5-6. If we could get him down easier, I wouldn't mind the middle of the night wakings too much, but all of it together has me literally banging my head against the wall. (not kidding, Tim thinks I've lost it.)