SG-1 Friendathon Prompt Challenge

Jun 15, 2011 22:30

I'm not entirely sure who I get to blame this time; the prompt challenge first appeared on sg_fignewton's journal, but it was the fault of traycer_ and curuchamion that I was there in the first place, so it's several people's fault.  The point is, I signed up for the sg1friendathon, committing to write a 1000 word minimum story, gen, friendship-focused (no shipping), from a claimed prompt.

This was, and is, the master list of prompts.  Fics will be revealed starting the first of August.

I've already completed mine, bar final beta-ing.  What can I say?  It was a good prompt.  Very subvertible!

I'm now trying to decide whether I'm inclined to claim a second prompt.  So, if anyone feels inclined to review the list of prompts and make a case for any of them, please do!  You will have to skip the Cam prompts; I don't have nearly a good enough hold on his character to attempt any of them.  Same with Landry.

Input would be much appreciated!

BTW, the prompt I claimed and have finished was #25 on the master list:  Daniel, Sam. Five times they have to pretend to be married and things get really awkward for SG-1.  In other words, "Five ways to twist a tired Stargate trope", bwaha.

stargate, prompts, writing

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