Positivity 5

Oct 18, 2014 10:42

I kind of fell off the internet for a while there, and I'm finally getting the fifth of these posted!  I think I'll continue the series at random and arbitrary intervals, because why not?

1 - ZOMG BREATHABLE AIRRRRR.  For the last few days, the humidity has been down to a comfortable level, and the temperatures have plummeted all the way down to the low 80s!  Wheee!  Sometimes even lower!  No, seriously, after months of sticky heat, it is SO GOOD to be able to step outside and breath fresh air.  I miss being able to be active outside!

2 - Fic_Rush_48 this weekend!  We have two new mods, plus a new Irregular, which is a Grand Thing.  Plus some older faces returning, people whom I've dearly missed.  It's actually costume_rush for me this time around, because:

3 - At Missy's library, they're doing a special Halloween thing this year.  They always have costume events of some sort, but this year, each department chose a theme so that everyone in a given department has the opportunity to do related costumes.  Missy's department is Youth Services, of course, so she's going to dress as Mother Goose, and her staff will all dress as various nuresery rhyme or fairy-tale characters.

She made herself a Mother Goose costume years ago, but it was, well, let's say -- rough and ready.  It was also mostly synthetic, and has mostly died or gotten too small, since then.  I've wanted for some years to do her a new one.  Now I am!  And it will be THE BEST.  I love having the chance to wield my Mad Skillz on her.

Bonus #4 - I'm kind of bleary today, because I didn't get a good night's sleep last night.  Why is this a positive?  Because it made me realize how deliciously rare an event that is.  Dear heavens it is good to be able to sleep well most nights!  And I've had major chunks of my life where that wasn't the case -- many years of bad habits (up too late to no good purpose), and ugly bouts of chronic insomnia.  The first year or so after my parents died, I had to figure out how to cycle between several different forms of chemical assistance, because if I depended too much on any of them or took the same thing too many nights running, I'd lose it, in more ways than one.  Now a bad night is an outlier.  Damn, I'm fortunate.

Bonus #5 - We're not all that thrilled with Agents of SHIELD so far this season, but:  Agent May in a sparkly silver dress!  Dancing!  With Coulson!  And then kicking ass!  Glee!!

shiny things, life in exile, memery, happily ever after

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