Positivity 1

Sep 16, 2014 12:00

clocketpatch and I tagged each other on this meme, and I had intended to start it yesterday, but I felt too lousy even to answer comments or respond to my Flist, so I'll start today.

1 - Turns out that yesterday's lousy feeling was me coming down with something; I woke up this morning feeling even worse.  Why is this a positive?  Because I called in sick to work.  Because I can do that.  I don't get shit for it, I won't get a cut in my paycheck, I won't get quietly abused and mistreated when I get back for daring to stay home and keep my germs to myself when I need to.  Damn, I wish I could give this gift to everyone!!  I spoke to one of my insanely smart co-workers, passed on a small but complex task that needed to be attended to first thing, and knew it would be taken care of and not screwed up.  Daaaaamn, I love my job, I love my co-workers, I even love my bosses.  *pinches self*

2 - Doctor Who tonight!  We've cut the cable, so we get the new episodes via Nook video, and it takes 48 hours before each one is available.  We could have watched it last night, but we were both too bleary.

3 - Speaking of Doctor Who -- my beloved Missy is being sucked into that fandom, to my intense delight!  We've started watching selected bits of classic Who together, as well as New Who beginning from the top.  Can't wait to share David Tennant with her!  This also means we'll be discovering Matt Smith together, since I missed nearly all of Eleven's era.  I know all you Elevenophiles (unadekaphiles?) out there will be grinning at that thought.

Bonus #4 - I'm off to take a nap.  I love taking naps.  *pats child-self on head*  Yup, it's true, kid.  Someday you'll realize that naps are bliss.

shiny things, doctor who, memery, check-in

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