Orlando Invaded by Literati!

May 08, 2014 15:07

So, May is a very lively month.  Mostly in a good way, I hope.

Right now, Missy and I are in Orlando, teetering on the edge of the Mouse Event Horizon.  She is very definitely NOT a Disney person, having burned out of it a couple of decades ago or maybe more.  I, personally, have been to Disneyland three times, and enjoyed it, and I will quite cheerfully go to my last rites without ever setting foot in Disney World.

So why the hell are we here?

Because Orlando is in the middle of the state of Florida, and is a Fine Location for a conference involving many people from all over the state.  In this case, it's FLA, the Florida Library Association.  Since Missy is here as a Working Professional Librarian, the hotel room cost will be reimbursed, as will her meals and the gas for the trip.  As a bonus, they managed to wangle free wi-fi.  So, after way too many years of being apart, including being apart when one or the other of us is sent to a conference, I get to tag along with her on this one!  The only cost to us is my meals (which is a bigger cost than expected, holyholy this is a pricey place).

I've been working during the stay, via VPN, although it's a good thing that I'm not actually expected to accomplish a great deal.  I think I've put in more hours napping than working.

Outside our window, from the diminutive balcony, we can see "Downtown Disney", which apparently consists of equal parts oversized souvenir shops, restaurants with fanciful architecture and live music, and sparkly lights.  There's a free shuttle there from this hotel, and we'll be cautiously venturing out there this evening, because one of the restaurants is an Irish pub, which means the kind of live music we love.  We hope.  If it's played by Disney characters, we'll be out of there so fast you'll hear the sound barrier break.

In the meanwhile, the resort is awash in librarians, which fills me with glee.  I wish I could swipe a badge and see their exhibit hall and sneak into some of their panels, because they sound really fun!  But really, it's enough just to be here.  Instead of three days alone at home, I actually get more of Missy's company than I normally get on typical workdays.  And no commute!  Woohoo!!

Next week, we reverse the roles:  I'm being sent to a tech conference in Chicago, and Missy is taking a few days off and tagging along after me!  I don't think she'll have any great regrets at not being able to sneak into my sessions, though.

travel, life in exile, happily ever after, check-in

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