So, it looks as if I'm going to be doing three different posts on this! I'll do a post later in which I attempt to translate What Actually Happened from Jargonese into English, on the off-chance that anyone will be interested. I'm also going to do a post on Why I Totes Love My Password Manager. But today, today we have the Making Of Lists
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Comments 3
Youtube though...can't seem to GET to my password to change it, arrrgh. And hell with it..tis Youtube, really.
Dreamwidth publicly announced its patching on its maintenance comm -- they were all over it like green on grass once the news broke, and patched up while most sites were still doing assessment.
LJ, well, if you try to find out what LJ might have said, you find yourself awash in garbage posts, misinformation, and conspiracy theorists. Since DW was vulnerable, I'm assuming LJ was also. acknowledged its vulnerability, and patched promptly. AO3, bless their buttons, was never vulnerable. Neither was Ravelry (although it returned a false positive to the first generation of the LastPass checker).
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