Job Opportunity

Jan 22, 2014 16:33

Is there anyone on my Flist who knows anyone in south Florida?  Or who knows someone who knows someone who knows someone in south Florida?

Because I have a job opening to fill.

The kicker is that, although I know at least half a dozen people who could use a job of this kind, none of them live in this area, and the job is not enough to support moving here.  But maybe somebody can score a few karma points by passing the word along . . . ?

I work in a small office in south Miami/Coral Gables.  We're looking for a part-time administrative assistant.  Salary (actually, hourly wage) DOE; 20-30 hours a week.  It would be easier to fill if it were full-time, and in a few years it might grow to full-time, but at the moment, it's not.

As a part-time position, there are no benefits, but there are three perks.  (Actually, there's a fourth perk:  the people here are nice.  There's no other word for it.  Also, they're adults.  There's no other word for that, either.)

The hours can be flexible.  The office is staffed from 9 am to 6 pm, and the schedule for the administrative support position can be pretty much whatever days and hours work best.

Parking is provided.

Training will be provided in the specifics of the work, and can be ongoing to allow you to build up your skills.  (I don't know if that's a huge perk, but I've heard enough horror stories to think hey, it might be.)

The work is the usual:  phones, mail, administrative support.  Lots of scanning, which includes working with our document management system.  Assisting with filing and paperwork (we're in a long-term project to digitize and whittle down most of the files, and get the whole lot cleaned up).  Some data entry.  Dealing with office supplies (organization, ordering).  "Other duties as required", which will not include making coffee or doing menial tasks, but could include wrangling databases, creating forms or developing templates in Word and Acrobat, assembling document packets and mailings, working on our newsletter, preparing letters for mailing, helping document procedures, and so on.

Essential skills:  good phone demeanor, competency in Word.  Complete fluency in English.  Good typing skills, spelling, grammar.  Excel would be a plus, internet research skillz another plus.

The most essential qualities I need are a good work ethic (professionalism, reliability, and discretion), ability to finish a task correctly, and a willingness to learn.  Many of the office activities (other than the really basic stuff, such as How to Answer a Phone) are, to some extent, tailored for our industry -- which means I don't expect to find someone who already knows how to do exactly what I want; it means, instead, that I want someone who'd like to learn.  In addition, if I could find someone who can learn a procedure, do it, and then come to me a few days later and say "I thought of a better way to do this, and here it is, can I go ahead and do it this way?" -- that would be bliss.

Regarding the discretion and professionalism:  I work in a profession where we have a lot of access to sensitive data.  We take our NDAs very seriously.  If your attitude towards private data is "Grrr, I will bite anyone who tries to touch this!", then you're golden.

Physical limitations:  the office is not ADA compliant; it's up a short staircase and has a tight floorplan.  Occasional light lifting would be needed -- as in, a couple of reams of paper, NOT a 50-lb stack of bricks.  The job does not require standing long hours or working in a lousy physical environment.

The office atmosphere is professional but not highly formal:  clients come in for meetings with the principals, and we have to look respectable.  The men here wear ties every day -- but they usually leave their jackets hanging over their chair backs, if you get the picture.  I am fully 'out' at work (in fact, I invited everyone in the office to my wedding).

If this position does develop into full-time, at that point, there will be benefits available:  specifically, health insurance when full-time work begins, and a 401(k) after 12 months.  There is no guarantee that this will happen, and no timeframe in which to expect it:  it's a possibility.

Please feel free to signal-boost this!  You can PM me for more information.  One note:  I have to keep my RL persona and my LJ fannish persona in separate buckets online, and this post is really pushing that envelope.  You can ask questions in the comments here, but I will not be able to give specific or identifiable answers in public, so PM really is the best channel.

*squeezes eyes tight, crosses fingers, sends shiny opportunity out into the world*  Fly, my little bird!

signal boost

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