tick, tick, tick . . .

Aug 01, 2013 12:00

I finished my partner's wedding dress last night.  Completely finished!  One down, one to go!

Um, except that I finished her underskirt three weeks ago, and it's already an inch and a half too large in the waist, so I'll probably take it in before the wedding.

I have an estimated two nights of work left on my wedding dress:  clean-finishing and hem.  I'm threatening to leave ten minutes' worth of interior clean-finishing undone, to do the night before, in the name of Tradition and Not Angering the Gods/Goddess (or tempting fate, or overbalancing karma, or something like that).

Pictures later.

I miss writing.  And watching TV.  I'm looking forward to getting back to both.

The wedding website has a countdown thingy . . . 9 days to go.


happily ever after, check-in

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