Looking for Daniel in all the right places

Jun 23, 2012 13:00

This is a very different call for help from my last one.  (Thank heavens.)

Like many Stargate fans, I came to the show with a focus on Jack.  I've branched out since then, and my fave flavour is now Teamy Goodness.  My partner and I have been doing a full rewatch, and I've been paying much more attention to the other characters.  But I'm still in ( Read more... )

toolbox, stargate, writing, questionable

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Comments 30

pitry June 23 2012, 17:25:11 UTC
Lesse. I had a long period where Daniel was my favourite. It's passed since then, but I think I might still be able to answer your questions ( ... )


Daniel katxander June 23 2012, 18:04:08 UTC
I like where Daniel gets to show his genius. He originally *was* the genius, until TPTB decided to just ignore that and make Carter the genius. He has multiple PhDs. He can speak over 25 different languages (though why he had to look up "Locus" is beyond me...even *I* knew that one!). He has compassion, passion, and intelligence. He'd die for a stranger, and is loyal to the end & beyond. It's his loyalty & friendship (even when TPTB had Jack treating him like crap) that drew me to the character.

I don't like the effeminate, simpering Daniel. Daniel is ballsy and strong. Yes, he gets into situations, but he also in the end gets out of them himself (think of the first episode with Chaka). He doesn't always need to be rescued like a damsel in distress! I am not too fond of mutilating him for the sake of a story. That's just me.

I love your stuff. I think you will do just fine...and I look forward to reading!



Re: Daniel pitry June 23 2012, 18:26:32 UTC
Well. I give him a pass on everything related to Ancient, because, really? MIDDLE LATIN?! THAT'S WHAT THE LANGUAGE MILLIONS OF YEARS OLD AND NOT DEVELOPED ON EARTH RESEMBLES? There is so many things wrong with that statement, so not figuring out "locus" (Not to mention that the "piece of our leg" joke doesn't work) is the least of their problems ;)


campylobacter June 23 2012, 19:01:17 UTC
SG-1 writers were so hopelessly full of Linguistics!Fail, that I when I write fanfic where Daniel *does* get it right, I feel as though I'm violating canon. :/


pitry June 23 2012, 19:13:17 UTC
LOLyes!!! It should be heaven for me, a show with a linguist, but I don't think I'll ever dare write anything linguistically related in SG1. There's no way to remain true to both canon and reality.


annejack June 23 2012, 18:30:06 UTC
Hmmm... I do love h/C fics, because there is way too little h/c on the show to go with the angst and the h/c is what always drives me to write because angst without h/c is like a onesided coin. They are supposed to be friends, family, a team - so they need h/c for it to be believable what makes SG-1 so special and TPTB neglected that part of the team dynamic way too often ( ... )


campylobacter June 23 2012, 18:44:40 UTC
I should post a similar entry to my LJ about Sam. She's so subtle & complex that I can't resist writing her into fic, but getting a laser-edged handle on her internal voice is ZOMG harrrrrrrrrrrrrd for me.

What is it about Daniel that you love?
He's the nerd who gets the girl (or boy) at the end of the story. (1994 movie, SG-1 10x20 Unending, SGU 1x19 "Incursion") He's the geek who triumphs through the application of knowledge instead of brute force. He's the self-sacrificing hero who sees the larger picture even if his idealism kills him.

What makes you squee?
When Daniel speaks truth to power. His moral compass holds true 99% of the time.

What do you most love to see him do?
(I love to see him frustrated by his reluctant affection for Vala or Jack, hahahaha.) But Gen-wise, I love the rare moments when his linguistic powers abandon him and he stutters & stammers and is at a loss for words.

What are the elements of a Daniel story that you love the most?When he confides parts of his past to someone; he's as tight-lipped as his ( ... )


Part 1 thothmes June 23 2012, 19:05:26 UTC
I am emphatically not a Danielite. He's a nice, admirable guy, but I'm afraid I've been soured by two factors. First of all, the show got Daniel's character right. It seems like that would be a good thing, and this should make me like him more, but the thing is, Daniel's basic character, his blind-spots and his obsessions remind me all too much of the guys who where archaeologists, or who were training to be archaeologists that I know. In a sense this little blindspot of mine means I watch a different show than all the rest of you, where SG-1 has 3 larger-than-life heroes, and a very regular guy. The other thing is that early in my entry to fandom, when I was reading everything because I had not yet learned what the danger signs were for badfic, and when I was giving everyone a chance because I'm an optimist by nature, I read too many fics where Saint Daniel, always kind, gentle, courteous, peace loving, friendly, and right fights the forces of ignorance, violence, callous indifference, and blind prejudice, and that was just from ( ... )


"My First #Stargate Story" by Halrloprillalar Jack/Daniel badfic campylobacter June 23 2012, 19:42:58 UTC
"Daniel was the story, and the other members of the team were the window dressing."
I never get tired of reccing this hilarious 2370-word parody of Jack/Daniel badfic. EVER.

My First Stargate Story by prillalar
Jack/Daniel. PG13.
Daniel's in trouble. Jack helps him out.

I wish there were a rule that every fanfic author WOULD follow: YOU MUST WRITE TEAMY GOODNESS FANFIC BEFORE WRITING YOUR OTP ROMANCE.


Re: "My First #Stargate Story" by Halrloprillalar Jack/Daniel badfic thothmes June 23 2012, 20:05:05 UTC
I wish there were a rule that every fanfic author WOULD follow: YOU MUST WRITE TEAMY GOODNESS FANFIC BEFORE WRITING YOUR OTP ROMANCE.

ZOMG, THIS, THIS, THIS! And I'm speaking as a die-hard Sam/Jack shipper (who happens to be nice enough not to harsh the squee of others who see it differently or not at all). First base pieces on canon that we can all agree on, and then move out.

[scampers off to read and be amused]


Re: "My First #Stargate Story" by Halrloprillalar Jack/Daniel badfic perkyandproud June 24 2012, 09:54:20 UTC
My the Internet, it is so small. I know Hal from another fandom. And frankly, this parody does not surprise me one bit. I could not stop laughing!


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