taking a tumble

Mar 10, 2012 12:36

Well, aughh.  I just discovered a weakness in the LJ tagging system -- apparently you can only page back 380 items in a given tag!  Given that, at present, I have over 400 items under the Jack O'Neill tag and over 700 under the MacGyver tag, this just plain sucks.  I want Stargate fans in particular to have the ability to page back through just the Jack items.  And the early years of the gallery (wow, does it feel weird to say that or what?) have some items that I like to think of as, well, classics.

So (rather than whinging and whining about how Ebil and Feeble LJ is), I've decided to Expand my Online Empire, bwahaha.  I present to you:


(The name 'lolmac' is already taken on Tumblr, by a crazy Filipino.)

I'll use this to post, or repost, the best of the older LOLs -- I've already found out that each one can be set up with a 'click-through' link, which will take you to the original LOLMac in situ, with its mouseover text and comment thread and crackfic where applicable.  Also, the tagging system on Tumblr seems to be very robust, and I could definitely use improvement in that area!  The layouts are nice and clean, and there's an RSS feed option, for anyone into that.  And this gives me the opportunity to pretend that some of the, ah, less inspired LOLMacs never happened.

I have a dozen up there already, all from 2007 -- anyone wanna look at them so they don't feel lonely?

stargate, lolmac, geekery, macgyver

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