The Art of Cameling Smugglers

Nov 05, 2011 23:06

And now, a short lesson in Camel Smuggling.

I originally posted these pictures back in April of 2010, before I'd started the bethinexile blog.  Back then, I did occasional personal posts to LOLMac on weekends, and then tidied them off into archives on Monday.  But I thought it would be fun to pull this one out into the spotlight again!

The wonderful KatXander, learning that lothithil and I did not actually have any camels of our own, saw to it that this was remedied.  However, I decided to do a little . . . customisation work.

Here’s what Lothi’s and my camels looked like when katxander originally rustled them up for us: the unmodified Beanie Baby.

Very cute, but the hair is - well, not what it needed to be, sooo . . . well, here’s the results. Camels with mullets!

Here’s Dingo, pirate, smuggler, and camel of renown, the Terror of the Sandy Sea!

Cleo and Dingo, talking shop; and invading my work space (they’re posing on my atlas, which is open to the map of Peru):


Cleo attempts to smuggle herself:

In addition to the mullets, sharp eyes will notice one additional modification: the original BB camels have no eyelashes. But camels need eyelashes! They have to keep sand out of their eyes. And flirt.

Dingo mugs for the camera (and for Cleo):

Dingo now lives with Lothithil, and Cleo remains with me.  I've smuggled Cleo to several places already, including several conventions (Gatecon, MTM, Orycon).  And, of course, I smuggled her across the country last year!

nonsense, conned!, camels

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