Hurricane Watch

Aug 23, 2011 14:00

The good news is that it looks as if Hurricane Irene will miss the Florida mainland.  (Bad news for the Carolina coast, though.)  I had my first round of putting up hurricane shutters on Sunday, but I will probably not get my first Actual Florida Hurricane Experience until another time.

I know what to expect and I don't expect the apocalypse, but there is one rather high-probability outcome, if not this storm season, then another:  power loss.  This will mean no air conditioning, which is going to suck with the suckage of a thousand vacuum pumps.

It will also mean no computer usage for an indeterminate period, which will make it difficult to get the word out that I'm okay.  Not that I expect everyone to be clinging to the interwebz, waiting with bated breath for me to check in; but, well, you know.  So, although I have no control over the weather, I've been able to make arrangements for communication.  We generally get phone service restored well before electricity; in case of hurricane, I will be able to get word out to a Stalwart Cohort, who will be able to post a status update to this comm.

LOL service is likely to be interrupted as well.  So remember!  If there's a hurricane in the offing, stock up on LOLs!  There may be a supply disruption!

storm season, check-in

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