May 10, 2005 15:47
-First best friend: Sammi S.
-First car: My Acura
-First kiss: John H.
-First screen name: MonkeyChick01
-First self purchased album: Ace of Base
-First funeral: My grandfather's
-First pets: Snipper...our poodle
-First piercing/tattoo: Kindergarten I got my ears pierced
-First musician you remember hearing in your house: Micheal Jackson
-Last car ride: Coming home from school
-Last good cry: August when Nick went back to England
-Last library book checked out: Um...actually, 'The Sound of Music' it was for musical theater I swear! They even gave me an obligation because they thought I didn't return it!!
-Last movie seen: The first 10 minutes of Office Space hehe Danielle and Hill
-Last beverage drank: Water
-Last food consumed: Special K
-Last phone call: Courtney
-Last time showered: Last night
-Last shoes worn: J. Crew flip flops
-Last cd played: Jack Johnson
-Last item bought: prom shoes?
-Last annoyance: AP ES test...YAY its over!!
-Last disappointment: Um...probably not getting a part in seussical
-Last time wanting to die: When I'm overloaded with work
-Last shirt worn: Orange C & C tank top
-Last website visited: Haha...eclassinfo (I'm a dork)
-Last song you sang: "It sucks to be me" for musical theater
-Last color socks you were wearing? : I didn't wear any today but if I was they would be white
-What color of underwear are you wearing? : Purple
-What time did you wake up today? : 6 am
-Where do you want to go? : Well I am going to UMCP... Terps '09!
-What is your career going to be? : Either a child psychologist or a guidance counselor
-Where are you going to live? : Prob. MD but I would want to live in Cali.
-How many kids do you want? : I think two...
-What kind of car (s): No idea...I know im not going to be driving a mini van. My dream car is an Audi tt though.
-Current mood: Exhausted
-Current music: Ben Folds
-Current taste: Strawberry
-Current hair: Straight
-Current clothes: A & F capris and an orange tank top
-Nervous Habits? : Biting my nails
-Can you roll your tongue? : Yup and I can flip it upside down too
-Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? : Nope
-Can you blow spit bubbles? : I haven't tried recently
-Can you cross your eyes? : um...
-Do you make your bed daily? : Yes everyday cause I'm OCD like that
-Which shoe goes on first? : I haven't really paid attention
-Speaking of shoes and have you ever thrown one at anyone? : Haha sure
-On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet?: Right now I'm pretty much broke so like $10
-What jewelry do you wear 24/7? : Two rings and a watch
-Favorite piece of clothing? : My ripped jeans
-Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: Cut it
-Have you ever eaten Spam? : EW no..
-Favorite ice cream flavor? : Chocolate peanut butter
-How many cereals in your cabinet?A LOT I love cereal!
-What's your favorite beverage? : Water
-What's your favorite restaurant? : Um... I like Noodles and Co., Cheesecake Factory, PF Changs
-Do you cook? : Not really
-How often do you brush your teeth? :Two to three times a day (My dad's a dentist lol)
-Hair drying method? : Blow dry and straighten
-Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? Yup
-Do you swear? : sometimes
-Do you ever spit? Nope thats yucky
-Animal? : Dog
-Food? : Ketchup
-Month? : February
-Day? : Friday
-Favorite Cartoon Character? : Minnie Mouse
-Shoe Brand? : Uggs
-Subject in school? : Psychology
-Color? : Blue, pink, and purple
-Sport? : I dance does that count?
-TV show? : One Tree Hill, Sex and the City, OC, GG
-CD Player: I don't listen to cds...I'm obsessed with my ipod
-Person you talk most ON the phone with? :Emily G., Court, Emily S.
-Ever taken a cab? : Yup
-Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors? : Yeah haha
-What color is your bedroom? : Purple
-Do you use an alarm clock? : sounds like an air raid when it goes off so I don't use it
-Window seat or aisle? : window seat...I like to look out
-What's your sleeping position? : My side facing my wall
-Even in hot weather do you use a blanket? : Yeah I use sheets
-Do you snore? : Nope
-Do you sleepwalk? : Nope
-Do you talk in your sleep? : A couple times
-Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Nope
-How about with the light ON? : Nope
-Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio ON? : Sometimes