Apr 18, 2005 20:32
And so...since i have no homework and am a little bored at the moment...dun dun duh DUHHHH! I have to decided to update for the SECOND count 'em DOS! days in a row!!=o
I forgot to mention before that i rearranged my room this weekend so maybe it's like a fung-shway(don't have a clue how to spell that) thing that made me wanna update more...:\ hmmm...i wanna keep it clean which means i need to be more organized and maybe a good way of being organized is to write down everything in a journal such as this so i won't forget anything or keep it bottled inside which could cause me to lose my concentration and therefore become disorganized!:) And as i have already demonstrated, it doesn't obviously work because i forgot i rearranged my room in the first place :(
So as i continue on to get out all my feelings i realize that write now i'm pretty happy...not sad or mad but also not ecstatic...just happy...mellow if u will...I kno Kylie had a bad day today so i want to say that i hope she feels better and if she perhaps for some reason, i don't kno, decides to take a mental health day tomorrow because she's "sick" and needs to sort it all out, i'd just like to say that i will miss her in school and once again, hope she feels better ;)
I just got home from softball which was alright...we lost half of our new team cause they finally had enough to make their own and it's kinda sad cause they were all really good and woulda made us really good but then now we won't have to sit the bench as much and we'll all get in to play more so i guess it's for the best...we got julie tho and she's really good and a new girl named deanna who seems to be pretty good for as young as she is...hmm who else...i'm pretty sure that's it actually so i still think we'll have a good team so i think it's all good...
And finally, grades are due wednesday or thursday i believe and i'm so depressed this 6 weeks:(...i'm getting a B (pretty low i think too...if not a C) in geometry and as of now i have a 90% in bio and that's not including the test we took which i KNO i f'd up so i'll probably be getting a B in that too:\...i kno, you're all thinking a B is good and u'd be happy with one, but i've gotten straight A's all year so i kno i'm capable of it, i just really screwed it up this time:\...o well, what're u gonna do...on the bright side, i got a 97 on my vietnam test that i thought i was gonna bomb as well so i'm doing pretty good in that class! Oh and miss m gave us these two huge projects we have to do for english which is gonna like ruin the rest of my school year...
OH YEA!! and the monday after prom weekend our spring porjects are due AND this english project!!! Now how gay is that?!?! Man i hate school...i'm just so sick of it this year and i kno next year will be ten times worse w/ chem and ms. mackey and scholarship forms and SATs and stuff! GOD! i can't wait til i'm a senior and off to college and away from all this...i kno college's not gonna be a piece of cake either of course but at least i think i'll have more control w/ that...i don't kno...
So here i sit...Monday night, 8:48, nothing really in mind...OH wait! Actually i have to write a paper for Mr. Wilson to make up for when i was gone and lost participation points AND fill out my health thing cause the only thing i have on that entire paper is "pretzals" cause i was eating them in class the day we got it...:\ poop.
Until next time...goodbye!*