(no subject)

Jul 25, 2007 21:21

my workplace cracks me up because...
the other day, my coworker was doing an assessment with a teenage (i think) boy and his parents. His parents say he doesn't listen, and the primary thing they want him to do is mow the lawn. When my coworker asked the kid about this, he said "I wish the grass was emo and then it would just cut itself." HAAA! (also, i know that emo culture is not all about self-injury, so don't start... it was just funny, and a really quick witted teenager!)

I am a raging liberal because...
A member of my family just got a pretty fantastic job at WalMart headquarters. And while I am so happy for this person and hope it is a great career move for them, I am also disgusted by it all... it's WalMart, the bastion of evil! I am having a hard time reconciling this. One more thing not to talk about when family gets together!

I am also a raging liberal because...
My friend (and I'll admit it, my idol) got arrested for criminal trespassing when she was protesting the war at a senator's office in Chicago. I am strangely envious. I wish I had the conviction to do a similarly "out there" protest. Protesting at the county courthouse down the street just doesn't cut it sometimes. But I'll take it for now.

I am super excited because...
I get to see my best friend on Friday! Can't wait to spend some good time together, visiting!

And... that's all. I need to go finish up some paperwork!
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