I'm supposed to be working on my taxes. It hasn't happened yet. I got online to fix my mom's AOHell because it hasn't been working for her and now that it's working properly I'm having fantasies of going home and to bed. LOL
Today was a good day. :) I ended up crashing here at my mom's again last night because I had her car on Saturday (she went to get my flat tire fixed for me while I was at work) and I didn't get here until 9:30 (we have movie night at the shop on the first Saturday of the month and I stayed for the movie to knit) then when I got here we watched Step Up on dvd and by the time that was over I was beat. Watching Step Up was interesting... I own it, so I've seen it a few billion times, but now that I've seen the sequel it's kind of amazing how different the talent level is in the two movies. Channing is hot and yeah he's a great dancer but Rob and the others in the 2nd movie blow the kids from the first movie out of the water. I can't wait for Step Up 2 to be on dvd so I can watch it a billion times too. :)
Anywho... I got up this morning and went home for a quick change of the clothes and then was headed to the shop to meet up with My Girls for knitting.
Kristi, and
Dirty Sue joined me for much giggling, gossiping, and a little bit of knitting. :) Lots of snorting too. :) I laugh so hard when I'm with them... it's great. We eventually left the shop to grab some food at Houlihan's and then parted ways. *sniff* Oh and we have an official name now for our little group... The Circle of Brains Knitting Club. LOL Marcia at one point made some comment about how Kristi needed a circle of brains instead of a circle of friends and we ran with it from there. :) I need to think of a logo of some sort for us... we need tee shirts. hehe
Not much else going on... just work and shiz. I'm subbing at Ele's Place on Tuesday night *squee* so that should be fun. I haven't been in one of the support groups in over a year. Maybe getting back in there to sub will be the kick in the ass I need to sign back up as a facilitator or group leader again. I've been considering signing up for the summer session this summer... could be an good way to get me invovled again. *shrug*
Norma update... she's still in the hospital but doing better. They had to quarentine her for a while because she was so contagious but I think they've got things under control now. Hopefully she'll get to go home soon. My poor Normy. *pouty face*
Next Saturday is another Knit Night with some of the Other Girls after work. *LOL we need to think of a name for that group too... geesh* You really can't beat wine, knitting, and fun people all together in one evening... what more could a girl ask for? Well you know, other than great sex with a hot guy or girl, a winning lotto ticket, private jet to Disney World anytime I want it... *wink*
Picture time...
Katie in her usual position... LOL She does this as soon as I walk in the house so I'll rub her belly. :o)
Close up of her face... LMFAO
Busby watching me knit today at the shop. :o)
One wrist warmer done, one to go!
Anywho... I suppose I should go and either start my taxes or just go home and go to bed. :)
Later, taters.