I really should be in my car going home right now to get some sleep. I've gotta work in the morning to make up a few hours so I can't sleep in like I typically do on Friday. But... I thought I'd throw a quickie out into the atmosphere.
Things with me are... stressed. Not so good, really. But, I've got a slight hold on things so for now it's okay-ish. More detail later when I've got more time and more energy. The cold from hell is lingering but still slowly getting better. Sudafed PE is my hero, I can actually breathe when I take it. *shocked face*
I have a bruise or a blister on my finger and it hurts like a sonofabitch because it's right on the edge and eight where my finger bends.
Ravyn went to the Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus/Jonas Brother's concert last night and had a blast. I cried when she and Heather were telling me and my mom about it because it was such a big deal for Ravyn and well I'm just a big sap right now.
Devin and Wesley are still the cutest boys in the entire world. Brian's on that list too. :)
And with that... I give you video of the coolest basketball player I know, as well as a few shots of the cutest kids I know. :)
This is Brian making a shot at his basketball game last Tuesday. The big loud "YEAH!" you hear at the end is my dad. :) Oh and he's the brown kid, obviously... #20.
Ravyn showing off her lost tooth... (and sticking her tongue in the hole, of course)
Wesley telling us something at dinner, it was uber important I'm sure... he's scheduled for a haircut tomorrow. :)
Devin showing off one of the Wee Warmer's I'm making for Heidi. (I'm really working on them, Heidi! I promise!)