Devin came over tonight while Craig & Heather took the kids to see The Simpsons Movie. Mom and I had fun playing with the little munchkin for a few hours and since it's been a while, I've got a video for ya. :)
He's getting so big. Did I mention that he has 3 teeth now? :o) He'll be TEN months old next week... TEN! :o)
I applied for a job today. I'm not going to say where or what yet, but just that I did. I've also got another job posting that I think I'll send my resume in for as well. Neither of them made me make my grumpy face while I was reading them, so I suppose that's a good sign. I really want to avoid applying for jobs just because I'm qualified for them... if I'm going back into a normal job I've gotta be doing something that interests me. We'll see what happens though. I'll let you know in the event of something good, of course. :op
That's all for now. I've actually been in the mood to write for a change so I'm going to go back and play with my muse.
Oh wait... it's Friday... time for the Friday Five
1. Favorite pastry?
Uh... anything with raspberries. :o) Or anything from Roma Bakery downtown... yum.
2. How do you like to waste time?
Knitting, reading, writing, sleeping, playing with monster children...
3. How would you describe your complexion?
Tan in the summer, Beige in the winter. LOL
4. What do you hang on to that you should really get rid of?
When I feel let down by friends I hang on to it for a really long time.
5. What is the last thing that made you hurt?
Cramps. LOL