Come on, Vogue

Jun 20, 2007 02:56

I'm too tired to make a real post with any wordy substance, I haven't read my flist in forever, and tonight was the first time in 5 days that I even got online. So yeah... I'm a little behind. But, instead of words, I give you pictures.

Pictures behind the cut.


Gavin's already a month old... (Tina's youngest son)

Me attempting Lucy Neatby's weird sock bind off...

Success! (Even though it won't fit my pal...)

Judy's Mom, Ida Belle holding Gavin...

The cottage from the back yard...

The view of the lake from the back yard...

I love having crafty friends! Beads!


Resting on the deck getting anti itchy stuff on bug bites... (Catarina totally fell asleep on the deck there lol)...

I made these for Shawn...

She made these for herself...

This one too...

Anklet I made for myself...

The kids made ice cream in a bag by tossing the bag around...

Wee! It worked!

Catarina in all her glory... I want this child.

Sunset on Crystal Lake...


Knitting... cottage style. Lou, this is yours! :o)

Jonah chillin'... such a cutie pie (Tina's oldest boy)...


The view from the end of the dock...

Poor Molly-Mutt... she got bit in the cheek by something and so when she was itching we had to put the cone on her. :o( Shawn put it on due to a dare too... LOL I have the picture for blackmail. :o)

My Babies

Can't you just FEEL the attitude in this picture? (Earrings that she's wearing were made by me.)

Shawn, Judy and I were beading at Judy's house on Monday night... this is her puppy Tug. Couldn't you eat him up?

Father's Day... Brian (who is officially 5 foot 6.5 inches tall... thus making him half an inch taller than me) and our cousin Junior who is a month younger than Brian. hehe

Baby Houdini... he can get out of nearly any seat now including his walker, excer-saucer, grocery carts etc.

Swimming at my aunt and uncles house on Friday night...

P.S. Started reading Rachel's Holiday by Marian Keyes, absofreakinglutely love it. Can't wait to read more from her. I've got one other in my pile by Keyes (Last Chance Saloon )and then I'm going to have to buy or borrow the others. :o)


Floridahhh 2007

cottage, knitting, picture post, naba, wesley, ravyn, beading, tug, devin

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