
Jan 31, 2007 02:12

Just finished my first exam... got 8 questions wrong... which gives me a B. Works for me. :o)

It was not easy. This is the intro class where the teacher is a moron and uses more graphics on a page than any normal human should be allowed to use at one time. Seriously, our syllabus is over 50 pages long because she used so many graphics in it. Every time she typed the word homework she has a little piece of paper graphic, then if she mentions the text book, there's a picture of the cover of the book and every time she writes Powerpoint she uses the logo... it's freaking ridiculous. Here, look for yourself:

EVERYTHING she gives us is like that. Homework sheets, outlines, powerpoint presentations... it's so insanely stupid I can't even tell you. The good thing though was that half of this chapter was on social research and you all know I had the class from hell last semetser all about social research so... I knew a lot of the stuff already. Whoot. Thank goodness I didn't burn my notes! Let's just see is she gives me a hard time though on my homework sheet because I used terms that she may not be familiar with. LOL *pats trusty Research in the Social Sciences textbook... she SO doesn't want to go there with me. :op Bwahaha... she already graded it... 98.13%... whoot! :o)

Anywho... now that my homework is done and my exam is finished, I'm going to go to bed so that maybe just maybe I can get up and do my Social Psyc homework tomorrow or at least start it so I'm not doing it at the last minute over the weekend. LOL Shock me shock me! :o) I've got monster duty tomorrow afternoon though so you know no homework will get done then unless I can get Devin to nap real good. Maybe I'll wrap him up in the sling thingy and just let him sleep on me so I can still move around. It won't teach him to sleep on his own, but it'll let me get something done other than holding him and putting him down until he wakes up two nanoseconds later. LOL It's like putting yourself in a straight jacket, but it's worth it once it's done. Okay and this cracked me up. That is a big baby! Cute, but holy cow. This one might actually work though... the ta tas tend to get in the way with the front carry although Devin likes the Magic Nap Boobs as his pillow. :o) We've got a Maya Wrap too though if I'm not feeling like Houdini. hehe... Look at this baby! Ugh, I want her!

Okay now that I've rambled, I'm really going to bed. hehe. :o)

homework, baby sling, stupid people

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