I love creativity. I love knowing people who love creativity. I got a handmade warm fuzzy from
Per-Laday this morning. I think when someone takes the time to make you something it means so much more. To make something for someone you have to really know them and think about who that person is in order to make something that is a good fit and I love that. That's one of the reasons why I don't like giving people Christmas lists because I like when they put thought into what they give me and then get creative. Even if they don't make me something, to put some thought into it and think of things I like and then find something for me means the world to me. Like when Brian picks out frogs for me, they're always so neat and special. Why am I rambling about this, you ask? Fuck if I know. I'm in a funk and my warm fuzzy made me smile so I thought I'd share that.
New icon love: GA icons by
And a few seasonal ones by me... feel free to use them, you don't have to credit me (cause you know, it was so impossibly hard for me to gank the images from Getty then crop them and save them... I am a true artist... *snark*), but if you do, that's cool... and tell me you're taking something. Images are from Getty.
I really shouldn't have skipped the chiropractor on Friday. I'm going to have to go tonight. I'm also going to have to post this and go do the 156 billion tax sheets that I have on my desk. Buh bye now.