best and worst have been happening the last few days
i was woken up by one of my best friends yesterday morning. we were all up until 6 chilling and talking and whatever, and so naturally i didnt get up until way late, but i needed to be up by 12 to get a parking permit. and so around comes 12:13, and sean is knocking on my door making sure i got up. i wouldn't have gotten one without him!! i thought that was awesome.
then comes the email that tells me my RA will not be returning next semester. great. i'm sad/mad about this situation and it definitely brought me down.
later on that day, I meet some of the cast of Arrested Development and get some contact information, which is basically the coolest thing ever. and i currently LOVE michael cera. that's all about that.
and then i come home to find Tomer, out of the goodness of his heart, with a petition to get Steve to stay next semester. so we get everyone to sign, and then talk to Steve, who basically implies that he doesn't want to a. spend money next semester on classes that he doesn't need to take, and b. waste his time here when he doesn't have to (this is all said circuitously and nicely of course)
DOWN again! so naturally i am saddened.
and then i go to my room to study or not to study
and it turns out the power switch has been turned off meaning nothing works - except the stupid fluorescent light in the room. and my iPod is out of batteries, that i can't charge because - oh right, the power's off.
but then bosco came to borrow a pillow and made the night seem somewhat better than it actually was.
and so now i am supposed to study for finals. we'll see what happens.
i'm also somewhat confused. i'm supposed to give my dad ideas about what i want for christmas. the confusing thing is that two months ago around my bday he stressed the importance of me coming home for a birthday dinner to see everyone, and then three weeks later i come home, and nothing is mentioned at all. so i basically didn't have a birthday this year...and i don't know if that's on purpose or if he just forgot. but it's my 18th birthday, and so for me, it seems like that's a big deal. (maybe not? am i wrong?) i'm not sure, and more than that, i'm not sure if i care.
in fact, i don't really care, but it still remains that i am confused.
anyway - i come home in 7 days..yayyyy
i need to buy people things for christmas oh my goodnessssss