You may have noticed that I changed my journal style again. After a brief flirtation with another style, I got too irritated that on certain browsers and screensizes, the column on the left blocked part of the entries. Rather than spending a lot of time on fixing it, I spent a very little time on switching back.
I have a pretty busy weekend. Actually, it isn't so much busy as it is complicated. Before 9am, I already had two phone calls to my cell phone from family members with questions. (Okay to be fair, I don't have a home phone just the cell phone.) And my cell phone is locked up and silenced. I forgot to check it at lunch, so anyone with questions will have to call my work number or wait until the end of work. Here's a sampling of my activities, starting when I get off tonight at 6pm.
Friday night
- go to Best Buy to investigate problem with laptop power source
- go to Joann's to use coupon to get a frame for picture, and possibly a scrapbooking thing
- possibly go to Kohl's and look at all the clothes on sale
(Note all of those stores are together making this less driving)
- find food to eat at home
- watch Numb3rs
- go to bed early
- wake up early, possibly 4:30am
- be at parents house by 6:30am to drive to Emporia
- graduation in Emporia
- lunch in Emporia
- drive back to Overland Park
- quality family time
- go to bed early
- be at church very early to open up church library (my first time on my own! also my first time ever.)
- church and sunday class
- mother's day lunch
The thing that makes this a complicated weekend is not what I'm doing, which isn't so bad. But it is also what the rest of my family is doing. My brother finished school in Phoenix. My sister flew down (from Seattle) on Tuesday to help him pack. They've been driving back. Hopefully he dropped her off at her in-law's house in Oklahoma (where she will meet up with her husband who flew in more recently from Seattle). From there, John will go on to my (maternal) grandmother's house in Oklahoma. Tomorrow, he and Grandma will wake up very early and drive to Emporia to meet us for my graduation. Grandma will come home and spend mother's day weekend with us. Sunday night, Dad will drive her back home and spend the night. Monday, Dad will go on to his mother's house (also in Oklahoma) to attend the funeral of a good friend. It's rather complicated. And my graduation doesn't signify that I'm done. I don't finish coursework until August. But there is no August ceremony and I didn't know that I would be back in December. I'm not sure how important the ceremony is to me, I did this two years ago, and four years before that. However, I keep hearing that I'll be glad I did it in twenty years (which I hear a lot as reasons I should do things). And it is important to my parents.