cause she puts them flippin exclamation points and is tooo scared to show her face cause jamees a scrait up gangsta and'll kick err ass w.the help of her sidekick white cracka ;] and that would be none other thenn...ME :]
HEck NO that was not me ...i was not even home on the 22nd th! I was in town all day. YOu can even look at were it was from and see it was not my thing. was not me so w/e. I left my house at 9 in the morning and went to splash in the boro and then i went to my dads. where i am at now.
cause she puts them flippin exclamation points and is tooo scared to show her face cause jamees a scrait up gangsta and'll kick err ass w.the help of her sidekick white cracka ;] and that would be none other thenn...ME :]
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