a kiss for luck and we're on our way...

Oct 08, 2005 22:29

This past week has been another whirlwind in the life of Beth!  But a good whirlwind, not the bad kind that leave you thinking what the hell was that all about?! It was more the kind that make you think wow, where did all that time go?!

The beginning of the week was pretty normal.  Had class and whatnot.  Had a history test on Monday.  Saw my Jake and all that other good stuff.

Wednesday I actually pried myself away from Jake and went to have margarita's with Lyndsi and Audry.  I hadn't seen Lyndsi for a while and I hadn't seen Audry for a really long time.  We watched ghost chaser people on tv and I decided I HAVE to go see the Winchester Mansion.  Then there was the ginormous spider.  Imagine three girls basically screeching and jumping on furnature while weilding golf clubs because there were no boys around to kill it.  It was good times indeed.

The rest of the week passed by as per usual.  Date with Jake on Thursday, plus school and work.  I did get Jake to watch the Phantom, so that was splendid.

Friday me and Jake went to dinner with Kacy and Brian.  That was nice to get out with other people again, even though I do so love being selfish and keeping Jake all to myself all the time.  I met Jake's sister that night too and this morning I met his mom.  She was sooo nice!  Also this morning we had breakfast with Jake's grandma.  That was fun, she is such a nice lady.  I like that they seem to like me so far, since I'll probably be around for a loooong time.

For the rest of the weekend I have homework to look forward to.  But nothing too horrible, thankfully.  Although this week is going to involve a lot of speed reading in order to do some catch up.  I've been procrastinating reading assignments, but that's nothing new.  Why should I do today what I can put off till tomorrow?
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