Captain's Log: Oh God Why The Eff Is It Still Raining Oh Well At Least I Have Skittles

Aug 28, 2006 17:27

Things I did today:
I went to a film class.
I went to another film class.
I put up a Monet poster in my living room (Dusk/Sunset in Venice/whatever you wanna call it).
I poured a three-pound bag of Skittles into a big Ziploc bag.
I began eating said Skittles.
I wished the rain would stop already, I mean dammit, I have a lab in half an hour.
I listened to my roommate Tae and his friend Yoshi jam out on their guitars.
I found sushi at a food court, but only after buying chicken for lunch.
I took some random-ass pictures.

Things I haven't done today:
I haven't visited the moon.
I haven't invented a device to turn lead into gold.
I haven't bought my ethernet cable yet (not a priority unless "linksys" has a problem with me jacking his internet.)
I haven't gotten piss-drunk and woken up in the toilet.
I haven't helped an old lady cross the street.
I haven't blown up the world... yet.
I haven't told told anyone I want to have their babies.
I haven't practiced witchcraft.
I haven't been sued by the RIAA.

Things I both have and have not done:
Schrödinger's cat experiment.
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