Nov 15, 2009 23:17
I started working on an english assignment today that involves a ten minute speech in front of the class about anything you want. Normally I could pluck a topic out of thin air, but the only rules are it can't be about politics or religion.
There go all my ideas.
I finally decided on a topic that I think might not make everyone fall asleep after 30 seconds: "The top ten places I want to see before I die."
People always get excited about lists. They're everywhere. "The top five ways to make more money", "The top ten trends of fall", "The top five reasons your wife left you for the pool boy, took off with your life savings, and now you're living in an apartment the size of her bedroom closet."
I started doing research as to where these ten places would be and surprised myself with some of them. I wrote down Paris, but after some consideration, it sadly got bumped off the list when Venice came into play. I began with some typical places. Places that I want my audience to have heard of, but may be interested in knowing more about. I typed "world attractions" into the search engine and one popped up that actually had me longing to go there, Angkor Wat.
It was maybe three years ago when the country first caught my interest. I spent hours and hours online, looking at different volunteer placements. It was going to be $4000 for three months there, and I began to save, hoping that my dream might become a reality.
Circumstances changed, and something became more important than that dream. Sitting here now, I feel like I'm back to sqaure one. And I'm irritated that I let it go so easily. Not just Cambodia, but the idea of traveling. There's so many places I want to see and so many things I want to experience. In the end, I suppose I'll chalk up my letting go of that dream some years back to my quest for happiness. Sometimes priorities change and other things can seem more important...the problem is this was always in the back of my head.
From now on, I'm going to have a new attitude about things. I'm going to try my hardest to do all the things that are on my life list and pray that everything works out just fine.