Grockles - an explanation

Jan 06, 2010 00:37

I was only being snarky in the last post because I didn't have enough time to explain. Stephen and I were listening to an NPR show about language - callers had questions about the etymology of words or phrases. "Grockle" is apparently an ungracious term for a tourist, foreigner or outsider used in York, England.

"I will beat you like a red-headed step-child" was also discussed. I can't tell you the answer to that riddle either, but having two red-headed non-stepchildren as sisters I could give you some conjectures.

There has been a request for a photo of me. So here is the most flattering one I could find - taken by my cohort. He thought he saw me flash the sign of the goat at the nice little Indian lady behind the bullet-proof glass at the Budget Inn. I don't think I did. Those sunglasses are not mine, I might add. That means they can only belong to one person. Take a guess.

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