The Other Side of Fannish Backlash.

Aug 27, 2012 15:18

I'm sure we're all familiar with Fannish Backlash, i.e., when you hear/see so much about a particular t.v. series or actor or group or book and so many people are trying to drag you, kicking and screaming, into an appreciation of their favorite Thing Of The Moment, that you can't help but dig your heels in and decide (consciously or not) that you are absolutely never going to like that thing.

Sometimes your Unbreakable Vow to be a h8ter stays unbroken.

And sometimes…it doesn't.

So my question today is this: Are there Movies/Books/Actors/etc that you once swore (even if only to yourself) you'd dislike forever, but which you now - somehow - find yourself actually liking?

For me, well…there's that weird grey area where some of my friend's main objects of fannish desire kind of…rub off on me, even though I never become a fan myself. So, like, I totally mocked (silently) the whole emo bandom thing when it was new and fresh and taking over the minds of my f'list, but these days - and honestly, don't ask me how it happened - I have Fall Out Boy, MCR, and Panic on my iPod.

On the true dislike side of the fence for me was…Harry Potter. No lie. I read the first book when it came out, thought it was derivative pap, ignored books two through four and the first movie, and then one day, woke up to find myself at the start of a decade-long obsession?

What about you guys? I'm not just talking about being "late to the party," but about actively disliking something about which you later became utterly fannish.


BTW, my recent Avengers story ("A View From Below." OFC, Clint/Phil. 2300 words) is now available on my dreamwidth fic and recs journal. Read it there or on AO3

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