(no subject)

Apr 13, 2012 13:09

Today's Sherlock video offering: a clip from a Q & A some time ago (before season two aired, at least) with Stephen Moffat and Mark Gatiss discussing "the gay thing" (as the moderator put it *rolls eyes*)

image Click to view

(If the embed doesn't work for you, the direct link is here)

Let me note for the record that I have no particular problem with Moffat saying what he says. He's not being particularly dismissive or homophobic or whatever. Understandably, he has his own perspective about what makes Sherlock tick (he was a fanboy before he was a show runner, and fans have ideas!), yet he seems fairly comfortable with fans imagining whatever they want for Sherlock and John (Gatiss is apparently saving his Sherlock/John shipping for series four *g*)

Note: as I say in the LJ entry...I'm sorry if my comments about the Q&A sound like I'm talking about my feelings about the way queerness is dealt with in the show (i.e., badly).


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