Torchwood, episode 1.04 - "Cyberwoman" (SPOILERS)

Nov 06, 2006 09:54

Jack Harkness doesn't sleep, and neither do I, apparently. I woke up at one-ish last night (about an hour after I went to bed) and never really got back to sleep again. I wasn't even doing anything fun like reading my f'list. I was just lying there, trying to get my eyes to close, but I failed, the result being that this morning, I couldn't get my eyes to open, and I had to stay home from work.

But speaking of Jack Harkness (please note the fine seque)...Torchwood was last night.

And, okay...can I digress for a moment to say how much I hate my internet connection? I swear, last night I might as well have been on dial-up, for all the download speed I was getting (...which obviously is a lie, because if I'd really been on dial-up, I'd still be waiting for the file to finish dl'ing)


Generally speaking, I thought the show was much tighter last night than it had been in the past few weeks. Some nice ambiguities there: even *I* couldn't figure out if I actually wanted Ianto to kill Lisa, even though it's obvious (based on what we know at the moment) that Cybermen (and women) are pretty much irredeemable. I thought he was a complete idiot for keeping her down there (along with that conversion machine), but at the same time, I understood how much he loved her (GD-L did a very good job with that).

Is Jack a monster because he ordered Ianto to execute Lisa, like Ianto said he was? I don't think he is. Lisa had already killed two people (that we saw...and god, if I worked for that pizza place, I wouldn't make deliveries to the creepy people next door), and clearly had no compunction about killing (upgrading) more of them, because...well, she's a Cyberman! But I wouldn't dismiss all of Ianto's accusations, especially not in light of the coming attractions.

(And man, if Jack can only feel really alive at the moment he thinks he might actually be dying, that's a sad commentary on his existence)

But! Either that was some hot man-on-man 'buddy breathing' between Jack and Ianto, or Jack's able to transfer some of his scary can't-die life force via snogging mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Either way, it made for a pretty picture.

-Owen: still a perv
-Tosh - still underused
-Pterodactyl - still cute as a button
-Rhys - okay, maybe he's not the most exciting guy in the world, but the lack of embarrassment he showed when he left the message on Gwen's mobile to tape Wife Swap suggests to me that *she* watches it too, so maybe they're not that mis-matched.

As for the Torchwood organization know, I am about as far from being a supporter of obeying orders without questioning them as you can get, but wow, what an undisciplined bunch of disobedient, selfish whiners Jack has working for him! Was the hiring procedure for the rest of them the same as Gwen's ("Okay, you've stumbled on our super-secret lair...I suppose we'd better offer you a job now")? Are they really the only line of defense between us and alien invasion?

*is afraid*

In other news, happy (just a little belated) birthdays to mamadeb and xylodemon!

And now, it's back to sleep I go, because I've been typing most of this with my eyes closed.

torchwood, television

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