LJ is Serious Business

Nov 28, 2011 16:51

So, I'm going to try to use LJ. Y'know, the way it was meant to be. Not the "I'm just a fangirl stalking my favorite jpop group." I'm hoping it might relieve some work stress? Make me happier? I dunno...

So, work was bleh. One of the three repair agents (yes, Geek Squad) might be going on a leave of absence for a month, which means we'd be down to two (myself and my co-worker). Not too happy about that =( We're a busy store and constantly have anywhere between 50 to 70 computers being worked on on any given day. Good news is (kinda) that we'd get a temporary replacement in the meantime. Bad news about that is that it's between two people who are really good at what they do where they are, so it'll create a black hole in that area =\ So, that kinda put a wrench in my day. All three of us are scheduled to work on Mondays (kind of a catch up day), but that fell through.

Though, historically, this person in question (we'll call him D), tends to have a habit of calling out on Mondays, which is the day before his two days off. So, I do feel sympathy for whatever he's going through that might put him on leave, but I'm still utterly pissed off about the other days that he had called in.

Example: Last Tuesday, me and C (the other repair agent) work and she tells me that on Monday D had said he didn't want to work on Wednesday otherwise he'd only have one day off that week. Which makes no sense since Tuesday was his day off and so was Thursday (he didn't have to be there a little before midnight like I did on Thursday). So yes, he did have freaking two days off but apparently THANKSGIVING DOESN'T COUNT, WTF???? And surprise, surprise, he called in Wednesday. Brilliant. And HR can't do shit about it yet because it's not habitual enough. Not to mention when he does show up, he's awesome, BUT IT STILL SUCKS WHEN HE DOESN'T >
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