its been months!!

Sep 03, 2005 14:00

woww.. finally an update! yayy <3
not much has been going on, school and stuff =/
this weekend I'll be hanging out with Kayla and Michelle, like always!<3
last night, me kayla and kira went to the football game and then to Ted's to get some food and strawberry shortcake! then we came home, and michelle came over too =) and we just hung out for a bit then went to sleep! hehe umm today im going shopping with my daddy<3 and monday.. i think me kayla and michelle are going to wakulla springs to lay out and tube! it should be fun =)

i wanted to post some random pics by the way.. cause i never really have! ok and there is lotsss!

 im on the left.

 kisses for orlando! <3

comments are greatly appreciated! :)

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