ill wait for you to come back home <3

Apr 11, 2005 10:45

yayy for my new background and user picture :) I lovee adriana soo freakin much. I dont write in here that much anymore. everythings pretty darn boring right now! uMm i went to a concert on friday night with kayla & michelle, double0negative. and it was allright.. me and michelle left ealry and went to circlek to get some snacks :) then back to her house to watch Closer, although we only wacthed about 20 mins before we decided it was time to sleep haha I watched the rest on Sat though, it wasnt all that great, in my opinion. hard to undersatand.. and unrealistic. JUDE LAW IS DEAD SEXY THOUGH <33
im like obsessed with myspace right now! yeah.. so if you have one, and see this, ADD ME. <3
yayy! hMm nothign else is up. allright so thats all I wanted to say! leave me some comments love <3
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