Sep 05, 2010 17:26
oh noes lj is doing something teh stupids again everybody leave1!!!1
... This happens every year. Why are people acting surprised?
LJ is just hopping on the bandwagon of "Cross-post EVERYTHING to EVERYWHERE" that all the other websites in existence are doing. It's not a new concept; they're just slow to catch up. Protesting and messing with CSS coding and leaving will have absolutely no effect on their bottom line. And I can guarantee they will do something else equally scandalous and infuriating within six months to a year. My oldest LJ account is over nine years old: I've seen a lot of B.S., and I know there will be more to come.
(Actually, the fact that I've spent about half my life on-line is kind of depressing.)
Anyway. If you have strong feelings about it, do what you need to do. If you haven't a clue what I'm talking about, it's just as well: don't waste your energy on it.
Speaking of wasting energy: I can't follow any more parenting drama. I just can't. It's draining and I have too much to do, and too little time on-line. I need to empty out my Google Reader. A lot of the blogs I follow have some great material, but they also have a lot of, "Take Action!" posts that I can't deal with.